August 25th 2019
I was reading Amos, when God showed me how He took Amos out from the sheepfolds & orchard (Amos 7 v 14,15,) turned him around & commissioned him to be a Prophet to Israel. a complete change ....I believe He wants to do the same for G.B.C. Today is a day of decision.... a day of new direction.....We've been too long sitting down at ease & even in luxury. i.e. satisfied with what we have & who we are! .God is up & moving & we must turn & follow Him.keeping our eyes on Him.... He already has told us that He is building G.B.C & we must follow keeping our eyes on Him.... in May 2018. This next year will be rich with opportunities, new areas of service....a year of moving closer into God, new growth . In short each one of us has a decision to make to follow or stay where we are!! God bless you. help you with all you have to do. Louise
Cliff Lockyer was a man of God, a prayer warrior for many years, who quoted the Word of God both in his prayers and in his speech. The words he gave me when I was ill were like a life-line to encourage and strengthen.
Irelle, Louise and I visited Cliff in ICU after a heart attack, he also had difficulty breathing. He so wanted to share a message and somehow he gained strength. This is what he told us: He was in a marble room with a door and he was told not to go any further because it was the door to hell. He was then told to "Go and tell my people to wake up". A few days later on Friday 15th March, a day New Zealand and the world will always remember, we attended Cliff's memorial service - then an hour or two later we heard the news of the massacre in Christchurch. It was indeed just as the headlines said "A Dark Day For New Zealand". So I feel it is so important to share Cliff's last message. Verses in scripture tell us to wake up and also tell us why we have to wake up. Romans 13 says "You shall love your neighbour as yourself - and do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ". Ephesians 5 tell us "Awake (become attentive to our dangerous position), you who sleep. Arise from the dead and Christ will give you light. See that you walk circumspectly not as foolish, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is... be filled with the Spirit". A promise from Isaiah 60 says "Arise, shine, for your light has come! The glory of the Lord is risen upon you . For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people. But the Lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you. The you will see and become radiant and your heart will swell with joy". Many times the Lord has been saying to me, to seek Him with all my heart and Deuteronomy 4:29 says we will find Him (in a much deeper way). In February Pastor Mark shared "You will experience more of God when you seek Him" also "God is calling us back to what really matters". God's word says "Look to Him and be radiant" (Psalm 34:5). In dark times light will penetrate the darkness. I believe the message to the church is "Wake up, seek Him - and His presence will be seen in us. I believe the coming harvest will be the result of Christ's Presence in us. Jenny Scriggins
To bring you some cheer when you are feeling down: God is able!
Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty, There's nothing our God cannot do. The mountains are His, the rivers are his. The stars are his handiwork too. Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty, There's nothing our God cannot do. God will help you to overcome all of your fears and all the obstacles that try to knock you down. Belief in God only, regular prayer and Bible study is the only recipe for complete happiness in life. Money and material things don't provide the same happiness. No God = troubled life. Yes God = happy life. God is able to meet all your needs: - Addictions - Allergies - Financial - Health - Family - Friendships - Employment - Legal - Fear of the future - Emotional - Stress - Spiritual - Physical - Memory - Boredom - Previous Failures With God, nothing shall be impossible!